What’s Best For My Site: WordPress Vs Joomla?

You have to be really careful when it comes to selecting an appropriate platform for SEO. It’s very difficult to advise someone about this because the choice should mainly be based on the needs of the websites and has to be personalized. Most of the times, users struggle between Joomla and WordPress. Both of them have their own benefits, but WordPress has gained a lot of popularity over the recent years. This is obviously for good reasons. Despite the popularity, Joomla is followed just behind.

Quick Overview:


1. WordPress as a Winner

There are many advantages of using WordPress. One of the biggest perks of using it is that you don’t have to be an expert at HTML coding in order to operate it. Changes to the website can be made even if you have very little knowledge to it because it is comparatively very easy to operate. The variety of themes available makes it cheaper to build the website. It is amazing because search engine optimization is made very simple because of WordPress. There are plenty of tools that keeps it easy to understand and highly organized. Through WordPress, adding e-commerce to your website is a lot easier and convenient.

With all the perks, there are some downsides of using WordPress. One of the most common ones of these faced by users around the world is that WordPress upgrades its software very frequently. If you wish to operate it at its best, you need to keep up with all the upgrades regularly. Although you can make changes even without knowing HTML, some of the times it ends up looking entirely different on the actual browser. This might add to your frustrations as a user. If you wish to customize a theme, it can be very costly through WordPress. Even with all these downsides, the perks outweigh the downsides evidently.

Let’s take a look at Joomla as a content management system.

2. Joomla as a Winner

For a lot of users, Joomla is still working really well and there are a number of reasons for this. Even though the installation is much more difficult than WordPress, it is still convenient in a lot of ways in comparison to other content management systems. Since it is written in PHP scripting, there will be lesser compatibility related issues. Even though it looks difficult to operate, Joomla offers a lot of tutorials to the users if they ever appear lost while using it. Even with very little technical knowledge, you can easily operate Joomla. Most of the people find it more complex than WordPress. Since Joomla has a wide range of extensions, you have a lot of freedom in choosing the one that customizes with your needs.



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